Page Impressions Viral Unique
"Page Impressions Viral Unique" in a social media KPI sheet denotes the aggregate number of unique views garnered through organic sharing or virality of content.
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This metric specifically measures the unique number of users reached through viral propagation, excluding duplicate views from the same user.

KPI Definition

"Page Impressions Viral Unique" in a social media KPI sheet denotes the aggregate number of unique views garnered through organic sharing or virality of content. This metric encapsulates the total count of individual impressions resulting from user-driven propagation, excluding duplicate views from the same user. It serves as a significant gauge of the authentic reach and resonance of the content within the digital landscape, illustrating the genuine engagement

Business Value

Tracking page impressions is a good way of finding out how viral your page or post is getting. It gives you an exact number of unique views that your page has garnered with attached social information.

Movement Direction

Sample Formula

SUM (page_impressions_viral_unique)

Should Aim For
Focus on improving this KPI because that will lead to more visibility of your page content
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