Page Fans
Page Fans refers to the total number of individuals who have liked or followed a specific social media page. It represents the overall audience or fan base of the page.
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The total number of individuals who have liked/followed a specific page on a social media platform.

KPI Definition

"Page Fans" refers to the total number of individuals who have liked or followed a specific social media page. It represents the overall audience or fan base of the page. Page fans are users who have expressed an interest in the content, updates, or offerings of the page by opting to follow or like it. Tracking the number of page fans is essential for assessing the reach and potential impact of the page's content. It provides an indication of the size of the page's audience and the level of engagement it has generated. Page administrators often strive to increase the number of fans as it can lead to a broader organic reach, increased brand visibility, and potential for user interactions and conversions.

Business Value

Fans act as your brand loyalists. Whenever they engage with your posts, people in their network are also able to view your content. That increases your brand visibility. Having a higher number of fans is an indicator of how well your content is performing.

Movement Direction

Sample Formula

AVG (page_fans)

Should Aim For
Improve your page fans by curating high-quality and relevant content
Track Similar KPIs
Focus on insights.
Not data preparation!
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