Page Impressions
Page Impressions" refers to the total number of times a page's content, such as posts, updates, or advertisements, is displayed on users' screens. It represents the overall visibility or reach of the page's content
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The total number of times a page's content, including posts and ads, is displayed to users.

KPI Definition

"Page Impressions" refers to the total number of times a page's content, such as posts, updates, or advertisements, is displayed on users' screens. It represents the overall visibility or reach of the page's content. Each time the content appears on a user's screen, it counts as one impression, regardless of whether the user engages with it or not. Tracking page impressions provides insights into the potential exposure and impact of the content among the target audience. It helps page administrators understand the level of interest or attention their content is generating and can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of marketing campaigns or the overall reach of the page. By analyzing page impressions, administrators can optimize their content strategy, identify popular or engaging posts, and make data-driven decisions to enhance audience engagement and increase brand visibility.

Business Value

Page impressions are a good way to find out how many people have viewed any content from your page. Please note these impressions are not unique. It counts multiple views by a single user as multiple impressions only. For example: If a user views your posts twice, the impressions count will be 2.

Movement Direction

Sample Formula

SUM (page_impressions)

Should Aim For
Higher page impressions mean many people are viewing content from your page.
Focus on improving the value of page impressions KPI to get more people from your target audience interact with your post or page.
Track Similar KPIs
Focus on insights.
Not data preparation!
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