Page Consumptions
The number of clicks on any of your content.
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"Page Consumptions" represent the total number of clicks on a page's content, including clicks on links, photos, videos, and other elements.

KPI Definition

"Page Consumptions" in simpler terms refers to the total number of interactions or actions that users take when engaging with the content on a social media page. It includes things like clicking on links, viewing photos or videos, expanding posts, and interacting with hashtags or mentions. By tracking "Page Consumptions," page administrators or content creators can see how much users are interacting with their content. It helps them understand the level of interest and engagement their posts generate. It provides an overall picture of how users consume and interact with the content on the social media page. In simpler words, ""Page Consumptions"" is a measure of how much people interact with and consume the content on a social media page. It tells us how interested and engaged users are with the content.

Business Value

Higher page consumption is a great deal for businesses because that shows people are consuming your content by clicking on your post's links, viewing your video, photo etc.

Movement Direction

Focus on improving page consumption KPI by populating interesting and relevant content. Higher clicks lead to higher engagement, thereby increasing the chances to lead generation and eventually closures.

Sample Formula

SUM (page_consumptions)

Should Aim For
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Not data preparation!
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